Do I need a diet for gastritis?

the doctor makes a recording, fruits and vegetables

The pain in the stomach upset of the people due to multiple causes, one of them may be gastritis.

Why the stomach hurts?

There are many diseases that cause pain in the stomach or close to it. For the doctor, it is important to determine the nature and location of the pain. Here is a list of some of the diseases and the description of the complementary characteristics of painful sensations:

  • the pancreatitis, cholecystitis and duodenal ulcer can cause a sharp pain in the stomach area. The pain that the patients are characterized as acute, generally speaking, of a perforation of the ulcer (the appearance of holes in the ground of the authority of a chronic pathological process it on their wall). This can occur when the gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer;
  • the gastritis and ulcer of the stomach usually accompanied by a burning sensation in the epigastric (part of the abdominal cavity, under the breastbone). If the process of ironiziruya, the pain becomes awkward and painful. To the gastritis and the ulcer is clearly seen the relationship to meals: the feelings of pain appear through a couple of hours after meals or on an empty stomach;
  • stabbing pain", short (a few seconds), occurs during inspiration or quick to get out of bed, is characteristic of a spasm of the diaphragm. Causes spasm of the circulatory disorders of opening;
  • patients with malignant neoplasms in the stomach, complain of the weak, however, the persistent pain. If the tumor had metastasized to the pancreas, the pain becomes around;
  • to the intoxication characterized by a sharp, strong, cramping pain in any part of the abdomen;
  • colitis (inflammation of the colon) is accompanied by intense pain in the upper abdomen, which usually weakens after a few days, but does not completely go away.

It is one of the most common causes of pain in the abdomen. However, the accurate diagnosis can put only a doctor, after certain diagnostic tests. In addition to the above conditions, the pain occurs when the exfoliacin of the abdominal aorta, lesions after a stroke in the area of the stomach and the intestine. There are cases when the pain of a heart attack moves in the epigastric area.

Some diseases require a rapid response and immediate intervention to save the life of the patient. For example, if the time does not perform the operation of the perforation of ulcer of stomach or duodenum, develop complications (peritonitis, sepsis), which directly endanger the life of the patient.

Important! When the pains in the belly of any localization, you can not drink medicine for the pain. The character of pain your doctor will tell you what organ test, independent of the disappearance of the pain, you can say that the process is progressing and the urgent need to do something, even if it is subjectively the patient will feel that will feel better. In such a state can be observed when the rupture of the appendicitis.

The symptoms of gastritis

Let us dwell on the gastritis. What is disease and what other symptoms in addition to pain, can be specified in this diagnosis? Gastritis – inflammation of the internal surface of the stomach that occurs due to a number of reasons. The main causing factors of gastritis are:

  • poor diet (a lot of fat and fried food per day);
  • the consumption of large amounts of alcoholic beverages;
  • the chronic stress;
  • smoking;
  • the consumption of drugs that affect the stomach, for example, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory media (aspirin, ibuprofen);
  • the impact of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

Usually a single cause to select difficult, as the disease develops due to the combination of the factors listed above.

Symptoms of gastritis:

  • the pain is the main complaint of patients with gastritis. The patients indicate the location of the pain in the epigastric (epigastric area). The pain often occur a few hours after the ingestion of the food. There is hunger pain (pain that appears in an empty stomach, or after a long period after eating). Unpleasant feelings are intensified, if the patient eat fried, spicy, sour or hot;
  • belching, flatulence;
  • rumbling in the stomach;
  • weight in the stomach;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • surrounded by white, a touch of language;
  • a slight increase of body temperature (37 degrees);
  • discomfort in the stomach, which is not celebrated throughout the day.

As mentioned above, cause of gastritis many factors. One of the main is considered to be bacterial of the theory, where the main role in the development of the disease plays the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. However, the poor state of energy (for example, one or two meals per day), the attachment to a certain type of food (acute or fried dishes) irritate the lining of the stomach, causing a pathological process.

The chronic gastritis

Acute gastritis is an acute disease caused by the single influence of stimuli (harmful microorganisms, poor quality of the food, chemical substances) in the lining of the stomach. Occurs an inflammatory process. In this case it shows the diet, the medication. While respecting all the rules and effective for treatment of gastritis acute it will be for the patient in the past. Under the influence of some factors (poor diet, chronic stress) periods of flare-ups become permanent. This means that the process moved into a chronic form.

Normally observed seasonality of the acute episodes. Patients are admitted in the hospital with the exacerbation of the spring and the fall. This is due to a weak immune system in these months, the ability to resist the bacteria below, which is an inflammation of the mucosa.

Often, the chronic gastritis is aggravated when the stressful situation. People who do not know how to respond properly to regulate your emotional state, constantly faced with the pain in the stomach.

To the doctor diagnosed chronic gastritis, the patient should undergo a series of surveys:

  • gastroscopy – inspection of the esophagus and of the stomach with the special help of the probe, with the camera;
  • ph-metry monitoring of the acidity of stomach during the day and more. The method allows the detection of inflammation and determine the nature of the gastritis (hyperacidity or hypoacid);
  • the study of the gastric juices, which is extracted from the probe;
  • respiratory test for the detection of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori;
  • the biopsy of the mucosa of the stomach in the place of the injury of a process to establish an accurate diagnosis;
  • Ultrasound;
  • x-rays;
  • a blood test to look for antibodies against pathogenic microogranism.

Acute gastritis usually does not lead to complications. It is a feature of the chronic process. Of the complications worth noting:

  • anemia (develops because of a chronic hemorrhage, due to damage to the wall of the stomach);
  • peptic ulcers;
  • benign or malignant tumors.

On the cancer might indicate that the habitual change of the current of the chronic gastritis - the change of the location of the pain and its character. The doctor should be consulted immediately if you have any other symptoms: black calories, paleness of the skin, frequent dizziness and headaches, fainting, tachycardia, difficulty breathing. This may indicate the existence of complications of the gastritis.

How to cure gastritis?

The base of the drug regimen of the hyperacidity gastritis (inflammation of the mucosa in the background of increased ph in the stomach) is the decrease of the acidity of stomach. The effect that you want to get near drugs:

  • antacids are medications that decrease the acidity of the stomach, as well as kinds of absorbing subfloors of the enzymes responsible for the digestion of food and the production of hydrochloric acid (e.g., pepsin). Antacids produced in the form of pills, powders, gels and suspensions.
  • the alginate – drugs that, when entering into reaction with hydrochloric acid, forming a special gel, which covers the surface of the stomach.

To reduce the pain, apply anti-spasmodic and analgesic. In any case you can use the gastritis, non-steroidal (nsaids) because of their ulcerogenic action (cause the development of ulcer).

Protects the lining of the stomach gastroprotectia. As the alginate these medicines are formed in the internal surface of the stomach of a thin film, which does not allow hydrochloric acid to affect and cause more damage to the mucosa. Gastroprotectia often prescribed in conjunction with antisecretory medications, as well as the past, by themselves, they are able to influence the development of the bacteria in the cavity of the stomach. Antisecretory medications, for example, inhibitors of the proton pump to reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid.

One of the causes of gastritis - Helicobacter pylori bacteria, and that means that when the treatment is timely, the appointment of antibiotics. However, antibiotics have many side effects, with care, be applied to children and the elderly, pregnant women and mothers at the time of the power supply. Simultaneously with the treatment with antibiotics are prescribed probiotics to normalize the functioning of the intestine. Antibacterial I always call systemic.

Prokinetics drugs that accelerate gastrointestinal motility, namely, to standardize the process of promotion of food through the stomach and the excretion of power in the duodenum. Unlike other drugs: prokinetics apply to the low acidity of the stomach, and not to the increase. Also these drugs reduce the nausea.

Any medication has contraindications, side effects, and the patterns of use for different ages. Therefore, prescribe the drug treatment can only the doctor or specialist. To the gastritis, usually, it is prescribed as a combination of several drugs to relieve the unpleasant symptoms and act on multiple links of the education and of the secretion of hydrochloric acid.

Diet for gastritis

In addition to the reception of special preparations, individuals with gastritis must comply with the dietary regime. Gastritis with low acidity worth there are foods that cause the secretion of hydrochloric acid, which lowers the ph. To do this, in the period of exacerbation of the consume:

  • of meat, of fish broth for lean types of meat and fish;
  • liquids cereals, soups without solids and gross food particles;
  • vegetable puree;
  • very boiled lean meat, steam burgers, cooked meat and poultry;
  • hard-boiled eggs, scrambled eggs;
  • cottage cheese.

We must relinquish the milk, which can reduce the acidity.

At gastritis with increased acidity of the diet focuses on the neutralization of the hydrochloric acid. Also the food should be as be careful, to not hurt advanced of the mucous membrane of the stomach. Therefore, patients in the periods of recurrence should be included in your diet:

  • milk in the soup;
  • broth of lean meat;
  • low-fat milk (can be added to the tea);
  • steamed or steamed vegetables;
  • the cooked eggs;
  • lean meats, poultry, fish (steamed or baked);
  • white crumbs.

For each type of gastritis, hotel use:

  • fatty meat and fish and, in consequence, the wines of the fat of meat or fish;
  • butter the dough;
  • a fresh white and black bread;
  • cooked hard-boiled eggs;
  • the smoked products;
  • preserves, pickles;
  • acute of the kitchen;
  • hot dishes;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits with thick and rough skin;
  • confectionery;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • fast-food;
  • any type of fizzy drinks;
  • spices, sauces.

Of any of the products will cause further irritation of the stomach and the breakdown of the dynamic Russian-language therapy. Each cooked the dish must be easily be. Preferably the crushing of food, in order to maximize help your stomach to digest.

A strict diet for chronic gastritis is met before the disappearance of symptoms. This takes up to two months. The next thing on the menu is expanded considerably, however, the basic rules of the penalty to follow, in order to avoid the sharpening. Regardless of the stage of the disease, the diet should be full, full of vitamins, trace elements, balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Coffee with gastritis

Can coffee to the gastritis? Typically, doctors recommend you stop drink altogether. This is due to the ability of caffeine, chlorogenic acids and other substances in the composition of coffee to irritate the stomach and increase the acidity. The regular consumption of coffee to gastritis, especially with an empty stomach, will give rise to worsening of the injury of the process and of the education of the ulcer.

However, there are some recommendations that will help you to drink the beverage, even when inflamed, the mucosa of the stomach:

  • you can not drink coffee on an empty stomach. Only after eating, after at least half an hour, and what better after an hour. Of the substance in the composition of coffee, which cause the secretion of hydrochloric acid. If along with the coffee in the stomach does not receive food, the acid begins to influence in the wall of the authority;
  • coffee should not be hot or cold. Hot drink maximum bit aggressive pass through the stomach;
  • in place of instant coffee is better to drink natural cereal. Drinks soluble present tannins further injure the stomach wall;
  • the coffee must not be strong;
  • during the day the number of drunk cups of coffee should not exceed two.

The coffee is allowed to use the hypoacid (decreasing acidity) gastritis. However, drinking it, everything counts in small amounts. Also the gastritis with low acidity is recommended to drink chicory, as it is a plant affects the production of hydrochloric acid. But it should be understood that the chicory is strictly contraindicated in people with hyperacidity gastritis.

When hyperacidity (increased acidity) gastritis in the coffee recommend that you add the milk. The drink cools, makes its impact on the mucus softer. Replace the coffee can cocoa, has close to useful for the organism properties (increase of the tone and enhance the mood through the presence in the composition of the endorphins).

At the time of aggravation of the disease of the coffee better than to give up anything. This helps as quickly as possible to restore the mucosa of the stomach, does not extend this process in as many months.

Successfully established the diet enable you to grow without consequences survive acute gastritis. When hronizatsii the process of the proper diet reduces the risk of suffering even in the fall and the spring. The diet in this disease is an important part of the therapy, without which the achievement of good results is impossible to achieve. Compliance with the feeding regime will significantly improve the patient's quality of life.