I for health reasons, we do not recommend the use of any type of diets. However, when the needle in the scale starts to go out of scale, and sugar varies in the dangerous faces, they have to find a way out. I started to think about how to lose weight for a week, even if it is 1kg. finally, he asked for help to a specialized center. Brought them a card with a bouquet of diseases, and has become ğsemántica the verdict. The doctor has been configured so the Russian language. It has dispelled my concerns with respect to changes in the diet and its impact on the body, and also helped to prepare a menu, in which they included only those products that I am eating constantly.

Advantages of slow weight loss
The advantages of this mode of lose weight Nutritionists recommend to their patients to lose weight at a slow pace without having to resort to express regimes. In which the advantage of the progressive national liberation of kilos of kilos? A stable result. Losing weight quickly can only with the journal substantially on the calorie deficit. The person experiences the feeling of hunger, constantly depriving yourself of the pleasures. Normally, supporters of the diet express slimming prior to an event, and after that, everything goes back to start his own. In the course are prohibited noxious products of sweets and snacks. Gradual weight loss allows the body to change orientation. Is aware of the process, born of the desire not only to restore kilos but and change the style of life. The skin loses elasticity. When the man suddenly lose weight, your skin sags, and the body becomes pasty. When gradual weight loss, not only obtained the shape parameters, but the toned body. The change of the eating habits. Feeding on properly, lose weight, learn how to compose your diet based on products useful. If the process takes several months, a person able to adapt, to get used to the new diet and loving it. Proper nutrition becomes a lifestyle. This is the result that should be sought.
To lose weight in 1 kg of keep a record, the control of the burning of calories
After it has set for itself the purpose, it is necessary to control the consumption of calories and recording everything on a special register. On the internet you can find several calculators of calories, which can take advantage of. But it is best to consult with a nutritionist, that will be a custom system of power. The daily need for women is 2000 calories, while men 2500 calories. To be successful at losing 1 kg per week should be burned, as a minimum, 1000 calories. To do this, reduce the daily norm of 500 calories, and 500 burned through exercise a physical. The registry will allow you to grow to observe the process of weight loss and stick to the correct strategy. As a minimum 500 calories you should be burning exercise. To do this, you can perform the following loads:
- 30 minutes of the race.
- 35 minutes of jump rope.
- 60 minutes of aerobics of low intensity.
- 60 minutes of swimming in the pool.
- Select preferred type of load and practice every day.
If you do sports, you get rid of 500 calories a day. To do this, you must change to a normal diet. Choose foods with fewer calories, but with the sufficient amount of nutrients.
- Non-starchy vegetables.
- Fruits with low sugar content.
- Low-fat dairy products.
Choose foods that allow enough to avoid eating between meals.
Moderate exercise a physical is considered 7500-9500 steps a day. To increase the beam intensity of 10,000 steps a day. Try walking, climbing stairs, after working a walk in the park, at least use the public transport. Talking on the phone, not to lie down on the sofa, and walk around the room. Therefore, you can burn about 350 calories.
Forget about eating
At the time of eating a person consumes many calories. If you feel a strong feeling of hungry, choose snacks with a small amount of calories. Compare the following options of snacks.
- 100g apple has 52 calories, versus 100g of potato – 274 calories.
- 100 gr of apple puree – 76 calories in against of 100 g of ice cream – 201 calories.
- 100g of yogurt – 50 calories, versus 100g of cheese – 360 calories.
- 100g of carrot – 42 calories, versus 100g of French fries – 544 calories.
- 100g of strawberries – 40 calories, versus 100g of cherries – 77 calories.
A balanced diet for
Make sure that it is properly to eat, recommended proportions:
- 50% of the vegetables.
- The 25% starch.
- The 25% of protein.
By yourself or with the help of a dietitian should be set individually, with the proportions of the combination of products. After a while, you are going to quickly identify products that contain less calories. Here you can read more about this. You can also drink a delicious drink for weight loss Chokolate Slim, by which you can lose weight.
Household chores help you lose weight
Few people know that in the household chores help you burn up to 500 calories. Here are some types of activities that can burn calories in 30 minutes:
- Washing of floors with a mop – 125 calories.
- Ironing of clothes – 90 calories.
- The washing of the windows – 100 calories.
- Wash the dog – 125 calories.
Gardening helps you lose 1 kg a week
An hour of work in the garden of the cottage allows you to lose up to 500 calories. You will be happy to spend time with your use. Therefore, in the summer, try to do things on the ground of not less than 2 hours a week.
Belly dance
If you are looking for a fun way to burn calories and look sexy, well, then the best option will be the dance of the belly. For an hour can burn 180 and 300 calories, depending on intensity. The advantage of this method is that, at the time of the dance work the muscles of the hips, knees, and abdomen.
The hula-hoop for weight loss
The hula-hoop, not just a game for children, but it is also a good activity that allows you to burn calories. With a good intensity, you lose about 10 calories per minute, therefore, burn 500 calories an hour or less. In addition, this exercise allows you to tone the muscles of the abdomen, back and legs.
Several ways to lose weight 1 kg per week
Want to lose weight in the shortest time possible? Then you should use only safe and non-carriers of the threat to the health of methods, such as that now under consideration. Also must be realistic and be aware that if you are going to continue to follow, you can relieve of 500-900 grams per week.
Drink water
One of the best ways to lose weight and to lose 1.5 kg per 7 days – make that the water is your main drink. Of course, it is much more useful than the lemonade, or the energy, but this is not all. You also need to exclude from the diet of smoothies and fruit juices (not fruit juices). The water maintains a healthy balance of fluids in the body, accelerates metabolism, and quenches the thirst is much better than the other drinks. If you do not like its taste, just add in the glass a few drops of juice of favorites from the citrus or a bit of mint.
Careful with carbohydrates
I'm not talking about his exclusion. The body needs carbohydrates to function properly, and without them, your diet is not healthy. Just stay away from the refined carbohydrates – eat bread and pasta whole grain, and not purified from the grain. Also avoid refined sugar. Remember, a healthy alternative are the fresh vegetables and fruits. They are the ones that contain carbohydrates that you need.
Burn more than you consume
One of the most obvious of the tips, however, is often forgotten.You want to lose weight? Then you have to spend more energy than it consumes. Stay physically active to attend to the hot tub, to perform the training of the house, running or riding a bike. Select the lesson of the shower.
Want to burn a lot of calories – forcing the heart to work more actively and, therefore, do cardio!
Regular cardiovascular exercise is one of the most effective ways of losing the excess weight. Practice sports games, make day-to-day running, often swimming. Strength training, such as pushups, squats, twisting, they also have a great importance. Being in the hot tub, use the treadmill, the stair climber and, of course, the surface of the ellipsoid. Not only lose weight, but it also brings immeasurable value to the health.
Do not forget to lie down
And the extra half hour of sleep could have a positive role to play! If it goes as expected rest, you can more easily follow the diet and with more energy to train. Of course, too much sleep time, it is not worth. Even if the sender is in bed 30 minutes earlier or get up 15 minutes later, you will notice positive changes. Until you follow the procedure of the tips to be able to support itself in a tone and save the results. It all depends on the regular activity and a proper diet. The excess weight will begin decreasing at a steady pace, and you will look and feel like in all of the 100! But do you have any advice on how to lose weight of 1.5 kg per week?
How to lose weight in a week in 1 kg: tips and menus
Practical tips:
- Effectively download days.
- During the day, abundantly drink ordinary water, in order to remove waste and toxins from the body.
- You can also eat the apple and drink the kefir, every two hours for a glass. The drink should be with a minimum percentage of fat, but not skim.
- For weight loss effective, ideal for buckwheat porridge without salt and spices. Yes, it may be that this is not very tasty, but it is useful and of quality. The cereal should fill with boiling water and persist for several hours, best overnight. There are small portions 5 times a day, drink green tea or kefir.
- Necessarily, active exercise-a physical, you can go to the pool, swim, balance the muscles. Choose the sport that suits you according to the spirit.
- It is useful to be simple, and hiking in the park before you go to sleep, the fresh air, who does miracles, gives energy and joy, calms the nervous system, normalizes sleep.
On the eve before starting a diet it is better to go to bed with an empty stomach, you can take a cup of herbal tea. The menu of a day the following:
- Breakfast – drink a glass of warm water and we accept that the contrast shower.
- For lunch several green apples and a cup of chamomile tea.
- Lunch 150 g chicken breast, prepare a serving of vegetables from the salad with a tablespoon of vegetable oil.
- In the snack – cucumber.
- We had dinner tomato soup with fresh parsley.
During the day drink not less than 2 liters of pure water without gas.
Low calorie diet
It is a system of nutrition, the basic principles of which of the following: You should not experience the sensation of being hungry even once during the whole day. This is achieved by fractions of energy. To eat you need five times during the day (3 main reception + hour of food allowed). The contents of the dish can be contained in the standard glass. It is not necessary to overeat – the stomach of your buyer, and your appetite will healthy and the magnitude. Move more, walk. Without fanaticism – if they were not engaged in sporting activities, it is too strong load of weight the first day is not worth. So you overexertion of the muscles, and then, for a long time, you can not train. If you do not attract to the trainings on the dance floor or stretch it out of the house. Select the lesson that will bring joy. Drink more water. The liquid accelerates the metabolic processes, and blunts the acute feeling of hunger. On the day of the drink eight or more glasses. The tea and coffee, are also taken into account, but all of the drinks should not be included in the composition of sugar. Cook!
Leave in the fridge will always be allowed products that can satisfy the hunger. Take a bit of time in the preparation of the full kitchen. There are recipes that make the dish not only useful, but also delicious. Without the manifestation of ingenuity, you get bored quickly sweet of the meal, and the failure can not be avoided. Include in your diet more different products of the permitted list, so that the body receives the nutrients in the needed amount. The list includes food products of vegetable and animal origin. That you can be? Fish (any), meat of cow, turkey, rabbit, and poultry meat (except goose and duck). The eggs of all birds). Fermented milk products fat of up to 1.5 %. If you can not live without baking – do rice-based and oat flour, the oil, the cream and the sugar. A handful of macaroni wheat solid varieties (1 time a day at lunch). Fruits (except watermelons, bananas, persimmons, grapes). Vegetables (except carrot, sugar beet, legumes and potatoes). Count the calories. Eat no less than 800 and not more than 1200 kcal a day with their daily work in the physical activity. Less of this standard can not eat, this is equivalent to the hunger strike. For the convenience of calculating the calorie value of dishes and products, use the calorie counter. By following these recommendations, you can reset the 2 kg, to maintain the health and change dietary habits.
Download the day
Give a download day is recommended no more than 1 time a week. Especially popular way of losing weight is the Euphorbia. It is the green tea with milk. For the preparation you need 1 liter of milk with low percentage of fat, dilute 200 grams of boiled water and let a little cold. Then, the milk you must add 3 tablespoons of green tea. Insist mixture preferably half an hour. Strained beverage is recommended to drink every hour a glass. In addition to this, it is recommended to drink 2 liters of pure water. On this day, must be excluded from the diet, black tea, alcoholic beverages, flour products, sweets, coffee. Also, for the download you can make a cocktail of yogurt and sugar beets. To do this, it is necessary to boil the beets without salt, grate, or scroll through the mincer and mix with a liter of kefir. The shake is necessary to divide in 6 parts and receive through the same amount of time. There is nothing more. In this day you can take a couple of kilos superfluous, but you should know that the thinning occurs due to remove the fluid and the reduction of volumes. The fat will remain in place. If you want to lose weight urgently, this method is ideal.